cadooz Inside

Unintentional Preparedness


How we managed to move almost our whole team to working from home at short notice, and what we learned from doing so.

At cadooz, we started giving more thought to the issue of mobile working (also referred to home working or remote working below) as long ago as early 2019. It was a new area for us, but we knew that the new world of work necessitated increased flexibility, and we wanted to be part of that development. Up to then, we “cadoozies” had been going into the office 5 days a week, but knowing that in the digital sector flexibility in work location is associated with a better work-life balance, this was a trend we wanted to follow. Some people think it's very straightforward these days: Just give every employee a laptop and off you go. 

But it’s not quite that simple, unfortunately. First, we had to select and obtain suitable hardware for our team. Some staff were still using desktop computers at that time. Our software for remote working and access to various systems also had to be scaled up and tested.

We made a clear commitment: “In the interests of fairness to everyone, working from home will be possible for all staff once we have both implemented and tested the technical requirements.” Nobody should be disadvantaged.

We had got to that point by the new year of 2020. The technology was in place and we envisaged a gentle transition and a trial phase: Three days per month working from home, to test whether the systems would remain stable as they had during testing, and whether collaboration both within teams and across functions would continue to work well.

Then came the coronavirus pandemic, which threw everything into confusion and squarely upended our plan for a home working test phase. To protect cadoozies from infection, we made a snap decision at the end of February to give all teams the option to work entirely from home – over 90 % of employees took up the offer. Some of our activities, such as the dispatching of physical gift cards, cannot be undertaken from home for regulatory reasons, but we were able to arrange for these tasks to be carried out from our office in a Covid-secure way.

Not long after these changes, it quickly struck us: WOW, the cadoozies team spirit has transferred directly into the virtual environment. As well as the Daily, our daily team meeting, communication and decision-making also worked in exactly the same way as in times of face-to-face working, with direct and non-bureaucratic lines of communication and our open door policy. Instead of heading over to a cadoozie’s desk, we were now using video calls to put our heads together, without missing any of the facial expressions or gestures which are so important to communication.

We already had an indication after the first lockdown. We were amazed at how well our collaboration, and also our interaction, had worked via digital channels (video calls, direct messaging, company intranet)! This proved to be the case throughout all the harder and softer lockdowns. To sum up: Remote working works for us! That is why we want to continue working remotely and in an agile and flexible manner in the future.

Of course we are aware that as our workforce continues to grow, we will need to constantly put effort into remaining close, friendly and connected, to ensure that we can keep delivering magnificent results, even as a virtual team. So let’s get started!

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