cadooz Career

Three questions for: Jana and Jule


In April, we intoruce you to Jana and Jule, who work for us in various areas of Human Resources.

In this blog post, both answer three questions about themselves. 


Three questions for: Jule Hardt, HR Administrator

1. Who are you and how long have you held your current position at cadooz?

I’ve been with cadooz since September 2020. So I started during the pandemic, but was lucky enough to see the team in person every day for the first three weeks. This was very important for my onboarding and for us to get to know each other.

2. Why would you recommend cadooz to potential applicants and trainees?

You can really make a difference at cadooz—whatever your background. If you’re passionate about something or have great ideas, you can bring these to cadooz and put them into practice. Our business methods are not set in stone, so we can always be creative and try out new things. Last but not least, the team is just great and I love working with them every day.

3. What was the craziest thing you ever did or experienced?

I spontaneously got a tattoo on Kho Tao in Thailand in 2016. Some locals recommended the place to me. The tattoo studio was actually more like a pet shop with parrots flying around freely. My tattoo artist had also tattooed his whole face. He drew the design freehand with something that looked to me like a carved bamboo stick. I think the tattoo turned out so beautifully, and it always reminds me of the craziest thing I’ve ever done—and of course, my wonderful time in Thailand.



Three questions for Jana, Recruiting Specialist

1.Who are you and how long have you held your current position at cadooz?

I am Jana—born and raised here in a tiny village near Stade. I joined cadooz in February 2021 as a recruiting specialist and am responsible for the entire process that candidates go through here.

About me personally? I am a dog person through and through! If you want to keep me busy, just drop me off at the nearest dog park and pick me up two hours later. 

2.Why would you recommend cadooz to potential applicants and trainees?

If you want to be given responsibility quickly, cadooz is just the place for you: You get involved right from the start! I particularly love the team spirit here. No one just does their tasks in isolation; you can always rely on your colleagues and work together on projects. Even if you’re the sort who likes to take a broader view from time to time, it’s not only possible but also positively encouraged. This gives you the opportunity to gain insight into other areas or projects and possibly discover a hidden passion for yourself. 

In short: Anyone looking to develop—professionally as well as personally—is more than welcome here.

3.What was the craziest thing you ever did or experienced?

Phew—interesting question! I think that must be the skydiving I did in Australia despite my abnormal fear of heights (I don’t even jump from the starting blocks into the swimming pool). I visited my sister there. She’s quite the fearless one and she had this “great” idea. Even though I could barely breathe on the way up in the plane because I was so scared, it was well worth it! We jumped out over the ocean, saw dolphins and landed on Byron Bay beach—simply unforgettable and one of the coolest things I’ve ever done!

Find out more:

If you have any questions about applying for a job or working at cadooz, you can get a first impression on kununu or check out our FAQs nachschauen.


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